Quite the Scare | Nächtlicher Schreck
EnglishWith the nights finally cooling down, and the air quality being acceptable for most of this year, I started sleeping with an open window recently – instead of using the A/C. But the other night I got quite the scare. Right outside my window is a roof that’s made up of glass tiles. And one of the tiles right in front of my window decided to burst into thousands of shards in the middle of the night. Things sounded like they were exploding, and then I could hear the rain of glass shards. Needless to say, there wasn’t much sleep for me afterwards. Glass splinters even dropped all the way on my window sill, even though my window was open just a small crack. I’m just glad it wasn’t anything more than just a glass tile that burst. DeutschJetzt, wo die Nächte langsam wieder kühler werden, und die Luftqualität meistens akzeptabel sind, habe ich angefangen, mit offenem Fenster zu schlafen – um nicht immer nur auf die Klimaanlage zurückzugreifen. Aber vor ein paar Nächten wachte …