English Have you ever had this where you bought something and what you got was not what you expected it to be? Well, this very thing happened to me just the other day. I was preparing to make corn bread. And in my pantry I had this can of what I thought was cream style corn that I might just try to throw in with the bread recipe. (I like experimenting sometimes, even when the recipe wasn’t asking for this.) But I never even got a chance to experiment, because the moment I opened the can I realized it was nothing like I expected. Inside the the can was just a big blob of yellow jello. Needless to say, it never made it into my corn bread. While I like to experiment, I wasn’t going all out on that experiment. Deutsch Habt ihr schonmal was gekauft, und das Produkt war nicht das, was ihr erwartet habt? So ging es mir kürzlich, als ich dabei war mir zum Abendessen ein Maisbrot zu backen. Und im Vorratsschrank …