Day: November 14, 2011

Journaling Café: Changing Seasons

November means changing seasons – at least in many parts of the world. Winter is rapidly approaching, and with it, the end of the year, which brings even more changes. So, for this week’s journaling prompt, I thought we could write about changes. Changes in our lives, changes around us, changes in the recent months or this past year … I hope one or two of these prompts will serve you as inspiration for your journaling this week, and as always, don’t forget to link us up with your finished pages that use these prompts! The font used here is my own handwriting font DJB Squirrels In My Pants by Darcy Baldwin (available at the Sweetshoppe).

Heater Day Has Come

Finally! Heater day has come, and that’s supposed to be good news. Probably because of the recent chill, they decided to turn on the heat a day earlier than usual. After all,  remember – in China the heating system is regulated corporately, which means no one can individually control it, and it usually is turned on on November 15, and will last until March 15 – no matter whether you’re home or not, or whether it’s cold or not; the heat will be on. Except that my radiators have no sign of heat – yet. So I’m still hoping and wishing, and I’m very thankful that the last few days the weather has warmed up a little again. Still, I want a comfy home, and that means I’ll have to keep an eye on my radiators these days. By the way, talking about keeping an eye on things – I saw one yesterday. A tree shaker, that is. Remember Saturday’s post? And yesterday, I was out on my bike, enjoying the sunshine and what not, …