Day: November 12, 2011

P2D: Quietude

I want to show you another Paper to Digi sample. For this one, I used teapot2angel’s “She” … … and turned it into a digital layout: I loved the various paper pieces about the traditional scrapbook page, and the overall composition worked really well for a digital page, in my opinion. Anyways, if you haven’t tried your hand at P2D yet, don’t miss out on all the fun and inspiration that is out there!

Saturday Feature: The Mystery of the Leafless Trees

I figured it out! I discovered the secret to the question that has puzzled me for such a long time (even in one of my last posts): The question as to why the trees on campus only have green leaves, or no leaves; and why there are never any leaves on the ground that crunch so wonderfully when you walk. (With all my “grown-up-ness,” I love crunching leaves!) The answer to that question: It’s the tree shakers. What? You don’t know what tree shakers are!? Well, let me enlighten you: Tree shakers are the people who shake the trees to make all the leaves fall off. Makes sense, right? Our tree shakers work on campus to keep the grounds clean and tidy (and they do a meticulous job at that, I assure you), and you could either call them gardeners, maintenance people, or – as a matter of fact – tree shakers. So, believe me or not, in China you can actually make a living with shaking trees. (Or, at least it’ll be part of …