Day: October 8, 2014

Enable Me:

Inspiration am Mittwoch: Wordmark   This week I’d like to point you to a pretty cool website that I came across just a couple of days ago. If you’re a font lover (like me) and have tons of fonts installed on your computer (also like me) this website might be just the right thing for you. Basically, you type in a word and shows that word written with all the fonts you have installed on your computer. It’s pretty cool, if you want to check with one glance how a word looks written in this or that font. Go check it out. It might be just the right thing for you! Diese Woche möchte ich euch auf eine ziemlich coole Webseite hinweisen, auf die ich erst vor ein paar Tagen gestoßen bin. Wenn ihr eine Schwäche für Schriftarten habt (wie ich) und auch noch eine Menge an Schriftarten auf eurem Computer installiert habt (ebenso wie ich), dann könnte diese Webseite genau das Richtige für euch sein. Ihr gebt quasi ein Wort ein, und …

A Window-Load of Fresh Air

Eine Fensterladung frischer Luft   I have a dilemma. I like to air dry my laundry. One reason for that is that the dryers are in constant use and it’s difficult to catch a free one if you don’t want to do your laundry in the middle of the night (as some of my colleagues do). Another reason is that I don’t want to keep chasing my laundry in case I come late and others need to use the dryer and take out my laundry before I get to the laundry room.So, like I said, I prefer to hang my clothes and let them dry slowly. But I also don’t like to hang them outside because the air’s so polluted that I feel like I might as well return the clothes to the laundry after hanging them outside. The problem with hanging up clothes inside the building is that the air in my apartment is pretty damp. So drying clothes on a rack takes quite some time. I’d just done a couple loads of laundry …