Day: September 24, 2014

Enable Me: Waterlogue App

Inspiration am Mittwoch: Waterlogue App   I have a rather unusual little gadget that I’d like to introduce to you today. An iphone app that I came across a couple of days ago when I was looking for a way to turn photos into realistic looking watercolor paintings. You may guess that I know my way around Photoshop somewhat well. But I haven’t yet been able to create a watercolor painting from a photo that looks realistic enough for me to be satisfied. With all my trying and tweaking, using filters and what not, the PS paintings still came out in a way that I thought it looked way too much like a photo turned into some kind of wanna-be art. Result: me = not happy! So, I did a search (hoping to maybe find a PS tutorial on how to create realistic watercolor projects), when I happened to stumble upon Waterlogue. It’s an app for your iphone or ipad (not sure, if an android version is available, too; you might want to check it …