Month: November 2011

Freebie Friday: Simple Pleasures

La di da, la di da, … I’ve got another template for you. Made this one from my newest page “Simple Pleasures,” and it’s a little exciting for me, because it actually is my template no. 40. Round numbers are always fun – don’t you think? But since I’m sure you’re not really interested in what I’m babbling here, and only stopped by to snatch away your little treat, let’s get down to business. Here’s my latest template freebie … What? Oh, you’re saying thank you? Well, it “simply” is my “pleasure!” Have a good Friday, everyone, happy scrapping, and don’t forget to leave some love, or even a link to one of your finished pages featuring one of my templates! Note: Please do not re-distribute this template in any way (you may share the link to this post), and when you use this template, please make sure to credit it to Misty Hilltops Designs.

Fun with Chinglish: Delighted Message

I’ve got some great news. In fact, the news is so exciting that even the message is quite delighted about it! Note: When posting anything in the Fun with Chinglish section, I don’t mean to show disrespect towards anything or anyone in any way. I’m simply sharing the fun we get to have with all those great signs & documents!

Why I Love Midterm Exams

Seeing my post the other day, you must think now that midterm exams for me are a thoroughly nasty thing. But to be honest, I also find enough reasons that actually make me like midterm exams – the most important one being that they usually give me an extra day or two off work. Now, who doesn’t like that, right? So, I’m guessing weighing the good and the bad of exams, it comes to a tie, which means that I haven’t spent an altogether awful week so far. And I’m really thankful that my house is warm and cozy now! Yay for heaters that work!

Why I Hate Midterm Exams

You would think that as a teacher I don’t mind exams, but that’s not quite true. Yes, it is true that I get to give the exams, not take them. But I still don’t like them. Because giving an exam is just as hard work as taking one. Because for two hours you have to pay 100% attention to each of your students; because you’re not allowed to slack – even for a moment (as it could mess up the students’ grades); because students come with expectations, and all are hoping that you’ll give them an A, which simply doesn’t happen; because you get to hear the same phrases over and over; because exams are just boring, and annoying, and really hard work – whether you give them, or you take them. I’m just glad that for me the midterm exams are over. And I’m glad that the heat in my apartment finally kicked in, which means heater day is in effect! Having heat now, is something that I’m really thankful for, esp. since it …

Journaling Café: Changing Seasons

November means changing seasons – at least in many parts of the world. Winter is rapidly approaching, and with it, the end of the year, which brings even more changes. So, for this week’s journaling prompt, I thought we could write about changes. Changes in our lives, changes around us, changes in the recent months or this past year … I hope one or two of these prompts will serve you as inspiration for your journaling this week, and as always, don’t forget to link us up with your finished pages that use these prompts! The font used here is my own handwriting font DJB Squirrels In My Pants by Darcy Baldwin (available at the Sweetshoppe).