All posts tagged: photography

Behind the Scenes: Unfocused Photos

Who of us hasn’t experienced this: you take a photo, and at the time of shooting expect it to be a great shot. But as soon as you upload it onto your computer, you are in for major disappointment as you realize the imagine is “useless” – it’s out of focus. If you haven’t, I’ve had my fair share of moments like these in the past. Maybe it wasn’t even me who took the picture, but someone else who didn’t know how to handle my camera well. Whatever reason it was, many times when we realize a photo is ruined, it’s too late to go back and re-take the picture. But there is good news for all of us who do have those kinds of pictures sitting in our folders. We still can redeem them. Even though one major rule of photography is to make sure to take sharp, focused photos (the clearer the details the better), there is another rule that says, you can break any of those major rules and still have great …

Enable Me: Photo Actions by The Pioneer Woman

Most scrapbook pages can’t go without a photo, so scrappers like us always are looking for ways how to make our pictures shine on a page. Photo editing is a vital part of digital scrapbooking, so today I have another helpful resource for you. The Pioneer Woman. Ree Drummond, who runs that website, also has a category “Photography” on her homepage, where she offers some awesome sets of free photo actions. You will also find lots of other inspiration on The Pioneer Woman, photography related, Photoshop related, or just everyday life related. If you haven’t known about The Pioneer Woman yet, you should go and take a look!

Behind the Scenes: The Rule of Thirds

One of the most basic rules for photography is the Rule of Thirds. It works quite simple, but can improve your image dramatically, when it comes to proper balance in your composition. The Rule of Thirds also can be applied generally in graphic  design, which makes it quite a useful guideline for us scrappers as well. Now, keep in mind that when I use the terms, “rule” and “guideline” it doesn’t mean these rules are set in stone. Maybe the most important rule in graphic design is that “rules are meant to be broken!” So, when talking about the Rule of Thirds today, I’m not saying all your pages have to abide by this guideline from this day forward. It is meant as a tool, helping you to get better results when taking a photo, or putting your page together. But you may just as well ignore this rule, and still create a great scrapbook layout! Still, as it is a rather useful tool, in our tutorial today, we are going to look at How …

Enable Me: Photo Actions by Paint the Moon

It’s time to talk about photography again. And since photography and photo editing these days go hand in hand, let me point you to one of my favorite photo-actions designers: Paint the Moon Photography. Check out her amazing photos on her personal blog. I admit, I “stole” her photos (above & below) from her blog, but only to give you an idea of her amazing work and because I want to make you curious enough to jump right over to check out her blog yourself. But Paint the Moon Photography isn’t just about an amazing photographer. It’s also about the services she offers on her business website. Annie (as I believe her actual name is), has some amazing photo actions she sells over there and she even has several sets of freebies that will take your photo editing to the next level. Check out her place, as she has tutorials, videos and her amazing photos to share on her websites.

Enable Me: Photography

It’s about time that we’d talk about photography a little more. For us scrappers, photography goes hand in hand with scrapbooking – after all it’s about preserving the memories that go along with the pictures we’ve taken. So, when it comes to digiscrapping it’s not only that we want to keep improving with our graphic designs skills, but also with our photography skills. And there is a great website I’ve found that talks about 12 Ways to Add Randomness and Creativity to Your Photography To find out more about their creative ideas, check it out here: