All posts tagged: autumn

Another Mountainous Adventure

Admitted, climbing local mountains isn’t anything like climbing the Swiss Alps as we did last summer. It is, however, not in the least less adventurous, especially if you have the privilege to hike together with a group of friends. We did just that, and the reason why I would call our last trip to the mountain a little adventurous, is because of what my music loving friends decided to bring along: a little ukelele, percussions and a hand drum. With all that in our hiking equipment, we were sure to have some fun, but also a glorious autumn morning in the mountains!

Fall Frolic

It wasn’t super early at the time, but I was still in bed the other day, when I received a message on my phone by my friend, telling me that she’d found a place on campus where there were plenty of leaves falling off the trees, lying on the ground, and no one around to rake them away – yet. Well, I answered, by the time I’d get there, everything was sure to be gone – remember the tree hitters? But then I decided to give it a shot anyways. I asked some of my photography friends to join, and we went over there, and were in for a nice surprise. There was the long, empty road, covered with leaves, and it was the perfect setting for this … And this … And here is even more  … Saying Thanks And I’m thankful today that I’m done with classes, and that it’s a new day, of a new week, with lots of new chances.

Heater Day Has Come

Finally! Heater day has come, and that’s supposed to be good news. Probably because of the recent chill, they decided to turn on the heat a day earlier than usual. After all,  remember – in China the heating system is regulated corporately, which means no one can individually control it, and it usually is turned on on November 15, and will last until March 15 – no matter whether you’re home or not, or whether it’s cold or not; the heat will be on. Except that my radiators have no sign of heat – yet. So I’m still hoping and wishing, and I’m very thankful that the last few days the weather has warmed up a little again. Still, I want a comfy home, and that means I’ll have to keep an eye on my radiators these days. By the way, talking about keeping an eye on things – I saw one yesterday. A tree shaker, that is. Remember Saturday’s post? And yesterday, I was out on my bike, enjoying the sunshine and what not, …

Saturday Feature: The Mystery of the Leafless Trees

I figured it out! I discovered the secret to the question that has puzzled me for such a long time (even in one of my last posts): The question as to why the trees on campus only have green leaves, or no leaves; and why there are never any leaves on the ground that crunch so wonderfully when you walk. (With all my “grown-up-ness,” I love crunching leaves!) The answer to that question: It’s the tree shakers. What? You don’t know what tree shakers are!? Well, let me enlighten you: Tree shakers are the people who shake the trees to make all the leaves fall off. Makes sense, right? Our tree shakers work on campus to keep the grounds clean and tidy (and they do a meticulous job at that, I assure you), and you could either call them gardeners, maintenance people, or – as a matter of fact – tree shakers. So, believe me or not, in China you can actually make a living with shaking trees. (Or, at least it’ll be part of …

Autumn’s Fashion

Autumn is the weirdest thing around here. While some trees still are in full and green summer splendor, others have lost all their leaves already. And interspersed between these two – if you look hard enough – you can actually find them – those beautiful autumn colors that I love about this season! So, whenever fall puts on its most colorful dress, I can’t resist! I just have to pack my camera, and get out there to capture some of the season’s latest fashion. In that spirit I went out for a little walk the other day, and look what I found … And then I went out again yesterday, for the sole purpose of taking pictures with my friends, because it’s fall, and because it was a pretty day. And guess what awful thing happened? The battery died! Yes! It died. Just when we wanted to start the photo session. That is, I knew it was almost dead when I left home. But that’s what you got your spare battery for, right? Duhhh! The …