Drink in Fresh Air
Credits:Designpad Florals by Craft SensationsDie cuts & stamps Anzeige (Enthält Produktempfehlung) / Advertisement (Contains product recommendation)
Credits:Designpad Florals by Craft SensationsDie cuts & stamps Anzeige (Enthält Produktempfehlung) / Advertisement (Contains product recommendation)
Anzeige (Enthält Produktempfehlung) / Advertisement (Contains product endorsement) EnglishYesterday I began sharing the pages of another traveler’s notebook, in which I scrapped about one day in the summer of 2020 when my sister took me on a little outing – first a little hike to the Black Forest, then to a castle in the Rhine river valley, the name of which I forgot. The pages of this album document that day. I used two paper pads by Craft Sensations. And the one used on these pages is called Florals. But as these paper pads doesn’t come with ephemera, I had to create all embellishments myself for each page. On the first layout, I’m using a layered stamp for which different shades of the same color ink are used to get a beautiful rose. DeutschGestern habe ich angefangen, die Seiten eines weiteren Traveler’s Notebooks zu teilen, in dem ich einen Tag im Sommer 2020 festgehalten habe. Meine Schwester hat mich zu einem Ausflug in den Schwarzwald mitgenommen – zuerst eine kleine Wanderung im Schwarzwald, dann in …
Anzeige (Enthält Produktempfehlung) / Advertisement (Contains product endorsement) EnglishI finished my traveler’s notebook album Winter 2022, and here is a flip through of the entire project: DeutschIch habe mein Traveler’s Notebook Album Winter 2022 fertiggestellt, und hier könnt ihr euch das fertige Album ansehen: Here is also the play list of the process videos I made that shows you the making of of a number of pages from this album: Hier ist auch eine Playlist all der Videos, in denen ich zeige, wie einzelne Seiten des Albums entstehen:
Credits:Designpad Florals by Craft SensationsDie cuts & stamps Anzeige (Enthält Produktempfehlung) / Advertisement (Contains product recommendation)
EnglishCampus is still very much deserted these days, and that is strange. At this point, the campus should be teeming with students that are returning from their summer break. Instead, the school has decided to postpone the return of the students, which throws everyone’s schedule into turmoil, and requires students and teachers to make up missed classes on the Saturday and Sunday of the next weekend. I’m just glad that the students I teach won’t start their classes until a couple of weeks from now. DeutschDer Campus liegt immer noch ganz verlassen da, obwohl er eigentlich von Studenten wimmeln müsste, die von ihren Sommerferien zurückkehren. Stattdessen hat die Schule entschieden, dass die Rückkehr der Studenten verschoben werden soll, was jedermann’s Stundenplan in ein großes Tohuwabohu stürzt. Aufgeschoben bedeutet hier nämlich meistens Unterricht am folgenden Samstag und Sonntag nachholen. Ich bin einfach froh, dass mein Unterricht erst in ein paar Wochen anfängt.
Advertisement (Contains product endorsement) | Anzeige (Enthält Produktempfehlung) EnglishIt’s Friday, and I’m excited to start sharing new Freebies with you guys after a long hiatus. I spent recent weeks reminding you of some of the previous freebies, so make sure you check those out, if you’re new to Misty Hilltops. This week’s Freebie is dedicated to my mom (as she was the inspiration for this), and it’s a PDF with word strips for any kind of gardening and nature project. It comes in a German and an English version. Simply print the file on card stock, sticker paper or other material, then use your trimmer to cut the words apart (or cut by hand). Tip: If using a trimmer, it’s easier to cut each row one by one, rather than picking rows from the middle, and ending up with several thinner strips that still need cutting and are much more difficult to align and trim. Trust me: I’ve been there, done that! Check out this video to see how to turn the PDF into word …
We can’t direct the Wind. But we can adjust the sails. ~ Chinese Saying ~ Nicht der Wind, sondern das Segel bestimmt die Richtung.~ Chinesisches Sprichwort ~
EnglishIt’s still something to get used to – those quiet days on campus when hardly anyone is around. In the past, people would come from all parts of town to enjoy a stroll around the park-like campus grounds. But since our school is on permanent lockdown, it really does get quiet here. DeutschIch muss mich immer noch an die stillen Tage auf dem Campus gewöhnen, wo kaum eine Menschenseele vor Ort ist. Früher, da kamen Leute von weit her, nur um einen Spaziergang über den parkähnlichen Campus zu machen. Aber seit unsere Schule unter permanentem Lockdown steht, ist es hier sehr still geworden.
Credits:Designpad Florals by Craft SensationsDie cuts & stamps Anzeige (Enthält Produktempfehlung) / Advertisement (Contains product recommendation)
Credits:Designpad Florals by Craft SensationsDie cuts & stamps Anzeige (Enthält Produktempfehlung) / Advertisement (Contains product recommendation)