Day: August 28, 2022

Traveler’s Notebook Layout: Drink in Fresh Air

Anzeige (Enthält Produktempfehlung) / Advertisement (Contains product endorsement) EnglishYesterday I began sharing the pages of another traveler’s notebook, in which I scrapped about one day in the summer of 2020 when my sister took me on a little outing – first a little hike to the Black Forest, then to a castle in the Rhine river valley, the name of which I forgot. The pages of this album document that day. I used two paper pads by Craft Sensations. And the one used on these pages is called Florals. But as these paper pads doesn’t come with ephemera, I had to create all embellishments myself for each page. On the first layout, I’m using a layered stamp for which different shades of the same color ink are used to get a beautiful rose. DeutschGestern habe ich angefangen, die Seiten eines weiteren Traveler’s Notebooks zu teilen, in dem ich einen Tag im Sommer 2020 festgehalten habe. Meine Schwester hat mich zu einem Ausflug in den Schwarzwald mitgenommen – zuerst eine kleine Wanderung im Schwarzwald, dann in …