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Freebies Revisited (3)

Anzeige (Enthält Produktempfehlung) / Advertisement (Contains product recommendation)

I want to highlight more of my previous freebies this week, before I start sharing the new freebies that I have in the making.

You can find all my freebies when you click on the Freebie tab in the Digi-Scrap Corner menu above, or the freebie tag on the side. If you look for a specific freebie, just type the name of that freebie in the search bar.


Ich möchte an ein paar weitere meiner früheren Freebies erinnern, bevor ich anfange, die neuen Freebies zu teilen, die schon in der Mache sind.

Ihr könnt alle meine Freebies finden, indem ihr im Menü Digi-Scrap Corner auf Freebies klickt, oder an der Seite auf das Label freebie. Wenn ihr nach einem spezifischen Freebie sucht, könnt ihr den Namen in die Suchleiste eingeben.

Viel Spass!


  1. How do I download your freebies?
    Example: I would like to download the kits shown on the July 22, 2022 post, Daybreak by the Sea, School is Cool, Harvest of Happiness and December Stories.
    They are listed on the freebie page but there is not a place to click to download.
    Please help me understand what I’m overlooking.

    • Sula H. says

      Good question. These posts were just reminders of freebies that were shared in previous posts. Just as it says in the post, you have 2 options. Click the tag Freebie (it lists more freebies than the actual menu tag Freebies). Scroll down the previous posts, until the freebies you’re looking for show up. The second, faster option is: Find the search bar (it’s somewhere on the left sidebar), and then search for the name of the specific freebie. Either way, the freebies you’re looking for should show up. Freebie kits come in several parts. Once you located the post, depending on how old the post is, there is either a download button at the very bottom of each post, or in very old posts you need to click on the image to get to the Mediafire download page. (It usually tells you when you need to click on the image.) I hope this helps.

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