Digi-Scrap Corner, DigiScrap Talk, Freebies
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Freebie Friday: Holly & Pine – Part 6

Freebie Freitag: Holly & Pine – Teil 6

Friends, it’s that time of the week again, that time some of you have impatiently been waiting for. Now, I’m really kind of torn about what to share next with you, because some of you probably want to use this kit for their December Daily, and then it would be really great for you to have the labels and word bits. At the same time, there really are some fun elements still waiting for you in the second part of the ellies pack, so which way to go? I guess, since I said so a couple of weeks ago, it’ll have to be the ellies first. But, maybe, if you’re all good and nice and not naughty, I might get convinced to post the labels and word bits a bit sooner than next Friday. What do you think?

Freunde, es ist mal wieder die Zeit, auf die einige von euch jede Woche so ungeduldig warten. Allerdings bin ich mir nicht eins, was ich als nächstes mit euch teilen soll. Einige von euch wollen diese Kollektion sicher für ihr Weihnachtsalbum verwenden und dann wäre es toll, wenn ihr die Labels und Wortstreifen bekommt. Andererseits warten noch ein paar tolle Element auf euch im 2.Teil der Elemente – also welches soll ich denn nun mit euch teilen? Na ja, da ich es euch vor ein paar Wochen schon so gesagt habe, sollte ich wohl dabei bleiben und euch die Elemente zuerst weitergeben. Aber wenn ihr auch alle schön brav seid, dann könnt ihr mich vielleicht dazu überreden, die Labels und Wortstreifen etwas früher als nächsten Freitag mit euch zu teilen. Was denkt ihr?














At any rate, I’d like to remind you to please read my Terms of Use before you go on to download my designs. While I’m very happy to share these designs with you, it’s NOT OK when you go and share these freebies with others as well. You can always send them here to mistyhilltops.com if you want them to have these freebies (as pretty much all my past freebies are still available for download here; and there’ll even be a reward this month, if you share on your blogs and social media a link to this website – more info about that HERE). However, please do not redistribute, sell/resell, repackage, direct-link, or make available in any other capacity the contents of any of my designs. That is especially unkind since it would be stealing from someone who is freely giving things away.

Jedenfalls möchte ich euch daran erinnern, erstmal meine Nutzungsbedingungen zu lesen, bevor ihr meine Designs herunter ladet. Während es mir zwar viel Spass macht, diese Freebies mit euch zu teilen, ist es für mich NICHT in Ordnung, wenn ihr eurerseits diese Designs mit anderen teilt. Ihr könnt andere immer hierher zu mistyhilltops.com schicken, wenn ihr wollt, dass auch andere an diesen Freebies Freude haben (fast alle meine Freebies stehen hier immer noch zum Downloaden zur Verfügung; und diesen Monat werdet ihr sogar dafür belohnt, wenn ihr einen Link zu dieser Webseite auf euren Blogs und sozialen Medien teilt – mehr Info dazu gibt’s HIER). Allerdings bitte ich euch sehr darum, den Inhalt meiner Designs NICHT direkt an andere weiterzugeben, indem ihr sie weiter verteilt, verkauft, umverpackt, direkt verlinkt oder in irgendeiner anderen Weise für andere verfügbar macht. Dies alles ist besonders mies, da ihr dann ja von jemandem stehlen würdet, der diese Dinge ohnehin schon sehr großzügig mit allen teilt.
















Now I hope that you’re having fun with this, and don’t forget to check back soon for the next installment. (And of course, that Bonus pack is also still waiting for you! So, don’t miss out on that one, either.) And for those newbies around here, don’t forget to pick up the other parts of this collection, and any previous freebies that I shared here in the past. Have a great weekend, and go and make lots and lots of memories.

Jetzt hoffe ich aber, dass ihr hiermit Spass habt und haltet ruhig Ausschau nach dem nächsten Teil. (Und natürlich wartet ja auch noch das Bonus Pack auf euch! Also, lasst euch das nicht entgehen!) Und für diejenigen, die unter euch neu hier gelandet sind, vergesst nicht, die älteren Teile dieser Kollektion and natürlich auch aller meiner früheren Freebies hier abzuholen. Habt alle noch ein schönes Wochenende und sammelt fleissig Erinnerungen!










ETA: You might want to check other posts this coming week to find the links to the word pack (or wait until next weekend for the official post).

Nachtrag: Haltet die Augen offen nach links zum Wort Pack in meinen anderen Artikeln diese Woche (oder wartet bis ich nächstes Wochenende meinen Freebie Friday Beitrag poste.


 Click on image to download | Zum Download aufs Bild klicken


Come back soon to pick up this:
Schaut bald wieder hier vorbei, um euch diesen Teil abzuholen:




And this is the entire collection (we’re almost there!):
Und das ist die gesamte Kollektion (bald habt ihr’s geschafft!):




  1. Cissy Shields says

    Thank you so much for the beautiful kit. I am new to digital scrapbooking – I’ve scrapped the conventional way until now so this is a whole new world for me. I have so much to learn and hope to make time after the holidays to catch up on some scrapbooking. I have collected several of your freebies and your designs are beautiful – do you sell kits as well? Also I was very excited to get the photo pockets in my email today. I’m thinking those will go with anything and everything. I’m sure I will use them over and over again – Thank you so much for your generosity 🙂

    • Thanks for your comment, Cissy. It’s interesting to see a “traditional” scrapper turn to digital because usually the paper scrappers look down on the digital scrappers, thinking the digital way doesn’t require as much skill as the paper way. Glad you like the freebies here, and the 17 kits you can download here will definitely help you get started with digi scrapping. To answer your question whether I sell any designs or not: Honestly, it would be great to be able to make some money off my designs. But I don’t see myself having the time to design more often than I do now; and I don’t think any store would take me with just designing one kit every 5-6 weeks. Starting to sell things from the website here would be another ball game altogether (I can’t even imagine how much work it must be to keep up with the customer service part of things). So, I think I have to keep offering my designs here for free.

  2. nancypinct says

    Another wonderful set of elements for this great Christmas Kit! Awesome! I can’t wait to use all of these goodies! Thank you very much!

  3. I am slowly learning how to create LOs digitally – I finally got PSE! Thank you for sharing these beautiful kits. You are very creative & talented! Holly & Pine is an awesome collection — Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

  4. Pamela says

    Thank you so much for providing this beautiful collection. I have a teenager that is starting to scrapbook, and these designs are ideal for her to use.

  5. Thank you so much for another beautiful kit. I really appreciate your generosity.

  6. Kathryn Mendy says

    Hi Hope you are well.I read your terms and conditions and I am not sure as to what you are referring to when you stipulate no redistribution,reselling etc. I sell at markets in Australia and would like to be able to use the digital papers for decorating small gifts.and selling them.Before I download your beautiful designed paper Id like to make sure I am doing the right thing by using the paper for packaging,and not breaking the terms and conditions
    Thankyou for your generosity

    • Sula H. says

      Hey there. Thank you so much for your question. I truly appreciate you trying to be respectful of the TOU. To clarify, if the freebies by MHT Designs help you make money in any way, it’s not for personal use, but for commercial use, and therefore prohibited. Even using the designs for wrapping up things and packaging what you sell means you would be using them for commercial purposes, and that is outside the personal use of things. I’m sorry the reply comes so late.

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