Digi-Scrap Corner, DigiScrap Talk, Freebies
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Freebie Friday: Harvest of Happiness – Part 2

I’m so excited because I’m actually catching up on my blog. (Not quite there yet, but close, which means that hopefully soon I can launch all the features of the digiscrap corner again.) For now, however, you’ll get the second part of my newest autumn kit:


Click on image to download



I hope you’ll show me what you’re doing with this (once you’ve collected all the pieces). Also, remember to check my Terms of Use (personal use only).

And now, I thought I’d let you know that I’m debating which theme to do next for a kit. I found this gorgeous fall related color scheme that I’m totally digging and thinking of doing a Thanksgiving kit:


I’m thinking pretty stripes, plaids, and lots of damask patterns, and think it would make a gorgeous kit.

But then, Christmas isn’t far off either, and I’m thinking, wouldn’t it be great for you to actually be able to play with the entire kit when it’s still the season for it? So, now I’m in this big dilemma (I have about 2-3 weeks to finish my next kit), and don’t know what to do. Maybe I could get some feedback from you, ladies, since you’re the ones who’ll actually benefit from this by playing with the result. So any recommendations from your side would be greatly appreciated.

Alright, this is it from me, happy scrapping friends, and have a great weekend!


Previous kits (still available for download here at this site):



  1. Hi! I discovered your blog through Scrap Stacks … thank you for the freebies ~ I love the blues in the Harvest of Happiness; it’s a nice addition to the traditional oranges of this season. Thanks also for your prior freebies … I love the Holiday Season; so I will be downloading your past Christmas freebies. Also, I vote for a Christmas theme for your next project. Harvest of Happiness can be used for the Thanksgiving holidays. Thanks, again!

    • Yay for a first voter! And thanks, Pam, for your kind words.
      I know there’s more people out there, because tons of people download these freebies. So, I’m curious to see if I can get more opinions!

  2. Theresa says

    Thank you for the gorgeous pieces to this kit.
    Love the new color swatch – think it would make a great Thanksgiving kit or I’m thinking with some added green it could become a Christmas kit as well!

  3. Love the aqua contrasting orange in this kit – Thanks Sula xx kel
    p.s. I see a little bit of snow in that colour palette 🙂

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