DigiScrap Talk
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Treasure Sunday: March 4th

Sunday means treasure hunting, and this week there were so many goodies again, just waiting to be picked up on the road. Let me take you to where I went …

So Cute by scrappyt
First stop, was this little cute page with the adorable photo, the fun splatter, the pretty color palette and little scattered pieces of elements.


Handmade by amymom24
Next, I had to pause when I stumbled upon this page. Krafty papers always make my heart sing, and this one has so many pretty things added to it that it has to stand out somehow! The photos are adorable, and then there are the pretty little clusters of elements she added to this page, that make it just worth looking at.


I Miss You by sue.falstaff
With this page, the clean simplicity was what caught my eye. The pretty brush work, combined with those white flowers scattered all over the place, and the little title just add the perfect finishing touches to this layout.


Dr Seuss Books by eryn
This page has such a fun artistic feel to it. I love all the doodled bits, and how she placed the journaling and other elements.



Good Stuff by parr1983
Another gem with two beautiful clusters, some pretty brush work, an all too adorable photo, and let’s not forget the blended photo. Pretty colors, too. Well worth, stopping for this one to pick it up!


Today by jenevang
You give me splatters and a bit messiness, and I’m in love with a page. On top of that, this one has such a playful approach with the little paper pieces scattered around and again, a cute photo.


Let Me Live by valeriapiemonte
And last but not least I have this spectacular page for you today. Hm, and where do I start the fingerpointing? Do I start with the awesome overall composition? Do I start with the great title work? Or should I mention the various clusters first? What about the little tacked on “my story” word pieces? Well, you see, I’m just in awe, and so I’ll let you decide what should be pointed out first on this page! In the meantime, I’ll add it to my collection of treasures already.

That’s it from my treasure box again. I’m glad to be able to share these with you, and even more glad for the ladies who created these pages to share them with us!


  1. Helen says

    Oh wow!!! thank you so much!! This makes me very bright and shiny!!!

  2. Valéria Piemonte says

    I feel very honoured to be featured on your blog!! Thank you so much <3

  3. Thanks so much for choosing my page to showcase here on your blog. I must say there is a lot of inspiration here! 😉

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