DigiScrap Talk
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Treasure Sunday: January 8th

I’ve been hunting again. Those treasures in the galleries, that is. And look what I found …

Crash Landing by ~Karen~
I was having so much fun with this page. Not only do I like the line across the page to which she clipped her elements and title, but the photo captures the memory perfectly, and the journaling says it all!


Street Art by faby33
Moving on to a quite graphic and artistic page. What a great job she did with the brushes and the blending. I love the messiness of it all, the stamps she added, and the bits and pieces of wordart blended into the whole!


Glimpses of Prague by Therese
And while we’re at it, I’m going to show you another quite graphic, but beautiful page! What totally caught my eye with this one, were the beautiful photographs that she edited so perfectly. Love the title work, too, and that with the huge white space, she gave the photos room to speak for themselves!


50 Things About Me by scrappycath

What a great take on this topic! Love the overall composition, the use of papers and elements, all the little tidbits of information she managed to get onto this page without making it look cluttered, and how fun to add those photos of her throughout the years!


Family by court8133
Here’s another pretty page with a wonderful composition, and lots of fun things to get inspiration. The photo is adorable, and I love how she highlighted one person per picture by covering the rest. All the scattered  elements give it just the perfect finishing touch.


It’s the Little Things that Matter Most by Rena
Another page with a beautiful composition, and fun scattering. Love how she kept the main clusters near the edges, and that photo is just lovely!


Daily by Ferdy
Last but not least, I got this pretty page today. The scattered elements are so much fun, love the stitches, the pieces of journaling she added in various places, and how she added so many fun little extras.


That’s my share of the treasure hunt from me this week. Hope you enjoyed it just as much as I did!


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