DigiScrap Talk
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Treasure Sunday: December 25th

I hope your Christmas celebrations are going well. To add some little eye-candy to all the sweet treats you’re getting these days, I went and raided the galleries, and here’s what I found this week …


Winter by Bdigis
Starting off with this fun and wintery page! I love the fun and fresh feel to it. The clustering is gorgeous, and the color palette so pretty. Great photos, too!


Snowy Love by chocochoco
Another page with the same kit (I saw lots of pretty pages with it today) – great clustering, fun composition, and I love the gold letters stuck in between the other elements.


Wish List by caramellche
Staying with the Christmas theme – here’s another page that caught my eye. I love the vintage/doodley feel about this page, and all the fun elements she managed to scrap in the cluster.


Please Check Twice by estir_bune
I don’t care much about Santa Clause, but this page actually caught my eye. Most of all, I like the paint and doodle bits that make this page look so artistic.


Christmas Story by sberkan
What a great idea to actually scrap the Christmas story! I like the various journaling parts on this page, and the more graphic feel to it.


Smarty Pants by ezane
But even though it’s Christmas, I’m glad that there are other pages in the galleries that have nothing to do with the season. This, for one, caught my eye, and I absolutely love it, because it has such a traditional scrapbooking feel. Love how realistic the shadows look, and the composition is great as well.


Beautiful Smile by parr1983
Last, but not least today is this little fairy tale layout. Love the photo, and the photo editing she did, and that cluster is quite noteworthy, too.


Anyways, thanks ladies for sharing all your beautiful memories with us, and I wish you a very merry and bright Christmas!

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