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Welcome …

We finally made the big move, and are proud to share with you the result of two months’ of preparation at last. But before I go on sharing with you some of the exciting new features at, I want to express my heartfelt thanks to my sister who made all of this possible! Hugs, sister!


What’s New

You’ll find the new is quite different from the old. Not only did we try to give this site a fresh and simplified look, but we also worked hard to make the navigation through this site a lot easier. Now, instead of lots of different parts to this site, you will see that this site has four main sections:

  1. My personal blog (where I’ll continue to share stories from life)
  2. The photo gallery (related to my personal blog)
  3. The Digiscrap Corner (where you’ll find tons of inspiration just like you’ve gotten used to)
  4. And an all new scrapbooking portfolio (where you can see samples of my latest scrapbooking designs).

And what’s best of all: if you want to see what’s going on at, you can simply check out the home page and have the latest developments all at a glance.

Further, you can easily share each individual post via social media or on pinterest, all with just a click.


What Still Needs Work

Of course, having just finished the move, we are aware that there are some changes which were not intended.  As you browse this site, you will notice, for example, that some pictures in the posts maybe missing, and some links may be broken etc., and while we may be able to fix some of that, we may not be able to check every single post for little quirks (since after more than two years of blogging, there are thousands of posts, and the internet still prefers to run slow on me, making any updates a rather painful process).

Also, the photo gallery and the portfolio are still under construction, which means it will take a while until they are fully updated again.

And lastly, I have to break the news that yes, I did go ahead and changed the slugs (urls/address) around a bit, which will be most notable in the Digiscrap Corner (sorry for all of you who saved links somewhere and find those links broken now). I thought hard about whether or not to change it, having all of you in mind, but with the future in mind, I decided to be bold and do it.

Note: The url of the Digiscrap Corner will now not have the “2” in its address any longer (which always annoyed me from the start, but couldn’t be changed on the old site).

When I started, I had no clue about blogging whatsoever, and did a lot of things that now, after some years of experience, make no sense, so it was about time to get rid of some of those old little bugs.

Now, I hope you’ll be checking out the new site, and hope you’ll find the changes just as enjoyable as I do.

Best wishes from Sula and the Misty Hilltops team!


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