Day: July 29, 2022

Freebies Revisited (4)

Anzeige (Enthält Produktempfehlung) / Advertisement (Contains product recommendation) EnglishThis is the next reminder of my previous freebies. In case you wonder, as of this date all previous freebies should still be available, and you should be able to find them by clicking on “Freebies” in the menu above, or on the Tag “Freebie” in the tag cloud on the right side of the web page. Or search for them specifically, by typing the name of each collection in the search bar down the right sidebar. Due to my long absence from, I didn’t keep much track of what was happening here, and I received several comments that a few individual links weren’t working. I looked into those cases (2 to my knowledge), and whatever bugs there were should be fixed at this point. But if you run into more trouble, just let me know in the comments, and I’ll see what I can do. I’m already busily preparing new freebies that I’ll start sharing shortly. But for now: Here’s a little sneak peek of …