All posts tagged: outdoors

Bye to Lake Constance

Abschied vom Bodensee   It was a somewhat sad day today. Because it was time to say good-bye to Lake Constance. Well, not really, yet. Because we’ll hit the road tomorrow. But it was, in fact, our last day at the lake, which we still spent with the family and then packing everything together so we could leave first thing in the morning. Bye Lake Constance! Es war ein ganz schön trauriger Tag heute. Denn es war Zeit, Abschied vom Bodensee zu nehmen. Naja, noch nicht wirklich, aber fast. Denn morgen gehts ab auf die Straße. Aber es war unser letzter Tag am See, den wir noch mit Familie verbringen konnten und dann hieß es auch schon: Packen! Denn morgen wollen wir früh raus. Auf Wiedersehen, Bodensee!               Click on images to enlarge / Zum Vergrößern auf die Bilder klicken

Hike Near Brülisau (Switzerland)

Wandern bei Brülisau (Schweiz)   It was my third trip to Switzerland this summer and the second Alpine Hike. It had been all dear sister’s wish to embark on an Alpine hiking adventure. And since we were near enough the Swiss border, and since we love hiking and being out in nature, we were only too happy to oblige. After as somewhat troublesome journey (we lost one hour on the way because we’d decided not to take the ferry to the other side of Lake Constance but drive around the lake instead and got stuck in real bad traffic; and to top it all, we had to pay toll in Austria because we missed the right highway exit, even though using the highway had been totally unnecessary and avoidable), we finally got to Brülisau in the beautiful Swiss countryside of Appenzell. We found a good place to park our car and then were ready to set out on our hike. Due to the fact that we had to choose easier hiking trails, we stayed pretty much …

Sylter Adventures – It All Begins

Sylter Abenteuer – Es geht los   Getting up in the wee hours of the morning was the order of the day. Why? Because this was a day of travels. My friends wanted to set out and catch their train from Hamburg and since sister und I wanted to go the same direction, my Dad decided to take us all to the various train stations in Hamburg from where we needed to head out. We all had a lot of luggage. My friends because they’d been traveling in Europe for a while, and sister and I because we had our bikes and our camping gear with us. Sylt was our destination and we’d decided to carry all our stuff with our bikes. After dropping off our friends at the main station, we made it to our train on time and then the adventure was all ours! As it is, Sylt is the only German island in the North Sea that is connected to the mainland via a train dam. It’s quite fun to ride on …

BBQ with Friends

Grillabend mit Freunden   BBQ is a very important summer tradition in Germany. You can’t have summer and not roast some meat over a fire. Most traditionally, we love to eat good bratwurst. But nowadays there are lots of other good things that make it onto the grill and into our stomachs. Definitely not anything you’d want to miss out on, even when you’re vegetarian! And though it rained, we were fortunate to have catch us a rainbow. Grillen ist eine wichtige Sommertradition in Deutschland. Sommer ohne Grillen geht einfach nicht. Traditionell lieben wir natürlich die Bratwurst. Aber heutzutage gibt es noch vieles andere Gute, das auf unseren Grills und in unseren Mägen landet. Das sollte sich keiner entgehen lassen, selbst Vegetarier nicht (für die es ja auch viele Möglichkeiten gibt! Und auch wenn es ein wenig regnete, hatten wir das Glück uns einen Regenbogen einzufangen.