All posts tagged: winter

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The Jump

Credits: A Little Ziggy Paper Pack by Libby Pritchett Snowflakes from Hybernation Day by Libby Pritchett & Chere Kaye (retired) Other elements are re-colored and from Andria by Libby Pritchett Stitches from Border Basics Squares by Libby Pritchett Scraplift of Snow Day In October

Snow Drama

I like snow. In fact, I’ve been waiting for some decent snow here for more than two years. Now, I’m fully aware that not everyone likes snow as much as I do (as some of my dear colleagues lovingly keep pointing out to me), but still: Snow is a fine thing. In my eyes at least. And when it started snowing these last couple of days, I was getting my hopes up: Maybe we’ll get a decent winter this year after all! But alas! While it was snowing these last couple of days, it wasn’t actually cold enough for those white little flakes to stick around. And then today as I was on my way to breakfast, I made an observation. Or rather, it was two observations that I made, to be a little more exact: Observation #1: It’s freezing cold outside! In fact, it’s so cold that all the puddles from the recent snowfall have been freezing, and even the ponds around campus have a beautiful layer of ice! See the proof here:   …

Hot Water Days

It’s cold outside. So cold, in fact,  that on and off it’s been snowing these days. Not that we actually get to have some snowy-white winder wonderland, but it’s at least cold enough to be shivering all over, if you don’t know how to keep warm. The best way to stay warm (and healthy for that matter) is to drink lots of hot water – at least according to the Chinese and their traditions! How many times have I been kindly reminded by my students, friends, and any other locals who are good enough to share their wisdom with me: “Drink more hot water! It’s good for your healthy!” And after hesitatingly trying out what plain heated water might taste like, I must admit: There is some truth to that old wisdom – a cup of hot water can do a thing or two indeed to keep you warm on a cold winter’s day, esp. when there’s nothing else to be had; and so I may pass on that old wisdom to you now: Drink …

A Small Beginning

I’ve been so wishing and hoping for this. Not the traffic, I mean. The snow, of course. Well, I wanted it a little whiter, and a little colder. So that the snow would stick around for a bit. But it’s at least a start, and some wise person once said that you should never despise the small beginnings. He knew a thing or two! And that’s why I’m thankful still. And why, of course, I had to take my camera out and capture this tiny beginning – even though there’s not really much to look at! Let’s hope for more snow tomorrow!

Snow, yet again!

With the weather starting to be somewhat friendly last week, I really thought we were through with the worst of it. But today I have to realize, I have been wrong. Never since coming to China, have we had snow this late in the year. Yet, today it’s happening. And the surprising thing is, it’s even staying on the ground, though not much! Still, as there’s no hope of getting a lot of snow this time a year, I’d really much rather like for spring to come!