All posts tagged: treasure

Treasure Sunday: December 11th

Went treasure hunting again, and look at the gems I found today … Family by suezeeq12 What a pretty page to start off with. I fell in love with the muted colors, the pops of green, and the pretty composition. Most outstanding of all, of course, is the photo, and I love the editing she did with it, too!   Famous Last Words by donna goar The next page has such a fun and light feel to it. That snowman is too cute, and I love all the swirls, the bright colors, and the fun artistic twist of this page.   Ruel and Papi by Kitty Staying on the light side of things. Even though my next pick is a rather simple page, I kept coming back to it. I love the few accents she used to embellish this page. For example, did you notice the two letters in the left corner of the cluster. And, of course, needless to say that the photo is wonderful.   Snowflake Lights by vixen Another one of the species …

Treasure Sunday: December 4th

Sundays are happy days, because it means I get to go treasure hunting again, and look what I found today … PS I Love You by Lu Martins Starting off today’s quest with this gem. I love how this page looks quite cluttered, and yet, it doesn’t overwhelm me with all that’s going on there. It’s so much fun to discover all the details, the doodles and stitches, and all the various elements and clusters. Autumn by Natalka Ok, so this page doesn’t actually use any scrapbook products, and yet I totally love it. That the photos are absolutely stunning, is pretty much a given, but I just love the very clean and simple design, the blocking, and the title and journaling is so pretty. Smile Sunshine by mom2twoangels This page just makes me happy looking at it. I love the cluster, the splatters of color in the background, and the photo is such a fun picture, too! Forget by Scrappie Irene Got another sample that stood quite out to me in the gallery. Love …

Treasure Sunday: November 27th

I went treasure hunting again, and look what I found … Out of Time by Celinoa What do you think of this page? I love the vintage feel to it, the clustering, and how everything looks so realistic. On top of that I love the special lighting in this image, and the overall color scheme.   Dream Come True by Ella_75 This page immediately stood out to me in the gallery. I think it looks fantastic with all the white space, and of course, I love splats, and brushes, so the little mess behind the photo cluster looks just perfect. I also love the pops of yellow, and the black and white photos are perfect for this layout.   Merry Christmas by Mama_Maike Now things will become more seasonal. The first Christmas page I want to point you to is “December Dreams” or “Merry Christmas” as she herself entitled the page. With all the clusters, this page has so much to look at, and the photos are adorable.   Christmas by TiernaerrinsDesign Here’s another page …

Treasure Sunday: November 20th

Oh, I found gorgeousness again this week. Check out the gems I have for you today … Precious by Imgdonahue Starting off with a wintery page, today, my jaw still drops every time I see this layout. What a great job she did with the blending, the composition, the cluster, and everything else. And I don’t even have to mention that beautiful, beautiful photo! What a precious, perfect page! Pieces of You by Cynthia Next I got this piece of art, and I totally think it’s perfect with the artistic feel, the scattered pieces of embellishments, the various little clusters, and pops of colors, and I love how she cropped the photo. Paradise by DoggiNo Moving on to this gem, which caught my eye, because of its overall composition, its blending, and the addition of the word definition. If I wasn’t so excited about the upcoming Christmas season, I’d definitely be longing for summer again when looking at this page. Cousins by kathleena Having neither Christmas season yet, nor summer any longer, let’s stay with …

Treasure Sunday: November 13th

I got you another collection of beautiful gems today. Starting with this one … You Are A Miracle by Gabi Every time I look at this page, it takes my breath away. I love the composition, the brush work, the pops of colors, and the delicate feel of this page. Even the stitches add to the overall beauty of this page. Snow Day by WendyW Admitted, I picked a layout by WendyW earlier, but I’m just in love with this page. Her composition is beautiful, her shadowing impeccable, her clustering looks so realistic, and just looking at this page I can feel the atmosphere of a beautiful winter’s day. Right Now by jennyf29 On to a really fun page. I love the dirt/paint splashes which makes you feel like you’re really in the dirt of the game when looking at this page. But I also love the overall composition, and that acrylic alpha she used for the title. Geek Chic by gonewiththewind Gonewiththewind has a fun page this week that I’d like to point out. …

Treasure Sunday October 30th

Wheww! This is a tough call today. Am still undecided on a couple of pages, because there were so many layouts that I liked this week. But here’s this one for a starter: Divine Idylle by beaute This just has a beautiful composition and color scheme going on, and the photos are so adorable. Things I Love by giny The next gem I found has a beautiful artistic theme going on that caught my eye immediately. And I love how she pinned up her title like laundry. Remarkable (Grab Bag) by Dani I also fell in love with this beauty. What a beautiful composition with the pops of red that photo in the background, and the pretty cluster. Amused by domad Here, it was the photo that had me keep coming back to this page, but I also love the doodled border, and all the doodled elements she put together. My Fashionista by PaulineM When I saw this layout, I thought it was such a cool page! I love the yellow pops of color on …

Treasure Sunday October 22nd

Another week has passed, and along the way I picked up a couple more gems. I Am Thankful by alb52 Starting off today’s treasure hunt with this little gem. I love the use of white space here, the pops of color and paint splats, and I think that photo is so precious! Playing with the Leaves by blanulak Another page that makes beautiful use of white space is this gem: I love the brush work she added to this page, and the title, which works so well with the composition. Natural Beauty by liljatr Love the blending on this page as well as the muted colors with the pops of red. Gift of Daughters by anneofalamo This next page has a great vintage feel to it. Love the shadows, that cluster in the top right, and how worn everything looks. Harvest by Mother Bear Next up is “Harvest,” a beautiful fall themed page. I love the soft feel to it, the colors and composition, and what a perfect way to scrap this photo! Life is …

Treasure Sunday October 16th

Did I really skip two Sundays in a row? Well, but I went treasure hunting today again, and found quite some gems … A Feeling of You by milatolela Starting off with a pretty fall themed page. I love the soft colors with the pops of pink. The stitch clusters give this page a great dynamic, and then, most of all, I think that photo is sooo adorable. Thankful Hearts by lingovise Staying with the fall theme, I have this beauty next. She did a great job with the various clusters, beautifully adding the papers and elements, and with all the business of this page, I love how the photo still stands out. What a precious moment to capture! Fabulous Fall by aussiekat Still more fall pages. I can’t help it – autumn is one of my favorite seasons … Here, I love the artistic feel of this page, the various pops of colors, and the playful arrangement of flowers and leaves around the photo and journaling. Great shadowing, too! Grow Bloom Dream by wombat …

Treasure Sunday September 25th

This week the galleries are bursting with beautiful gems, so I picked another seven for my treasure chest today. You are one Smartypants by kewl_jive I just love how she worked so well with the papers and embellishments. The brushes/rubons add depth to the composition, the colors are just beautiful, and of course I don’t need to mention how cute the photo is! Me and my head by caits I’m a sucker for everything doodled, so of course this page jumped right at me when I saw the cutsie flowers, hearts and other embellies. The composition is lovely, making great use of the white space, and I think this is a great example of a photoless layout. Daysleeper by Liahra What a simple, but beautiful page! I love the rustic feel it has with the wooden background, and all the little details she added to this layout. And of course, how can you not fall in love with that cute little sleeper in the photo? I love how she cropped it, too! Our garden princess …

Treasure Sunday September 18th

Alright, ladies (and gents?), I went on another quest to add more treasures to my chest, and you know what? Instead of one gem, I found that there are so many jewels just lying around in the galleries, I’d better pick up a couple more. I’ll get to fill my ever growing chest of treasures, and you the benefits of me sharing them with you ;-). So, here goes … Best Memory by Jippo I came across this page the other day when searching the gallery over at 2 Peas for some inspiration, and instantly was captured by this page: I love the clean design, that strip down across the page, the scattered flowers, the ribbon with the date element, and most of all the photo. So pretty! So Sweet by Lilas What a sweet page. I love the colors here, the composition, the bits of journaling she scattered over the page, and yet again, the photo is most adorable. And I especially like the photo treatment that works so well with this page. Take …