All posts tagged: random

The Wedding Aftermath

Das Hochzeitsnachspiel   You know that I went to a wedding yesterday, right? So, the one thing that I usually don’t care much about when it comes to local weddings is the food. It’s too meaty for a veggie lover like myself. But then, what I do like about weddings here are the snacks that you get to take home after the wedding. I’ve had some really good stuff in the past, and this wedding being no different. Actually, this time, we all got something that is high on my list of favorite yumminesses: Ferrero Rocher. They’re usually so expensive here that I never buy them. But when I grabbed the little gift box waiting for the guests on our way out, and when I opened it to peak inside, I thought: Jackpot! This has been the best little wedding snack I’ve had so far (aside from maybe the Hershey’s chocolate stuff we had en masse during another wedding a couple of years ago). Ihr wisst ja, dass ich gestern auf einer Hochzeit war, nicht? …

Sweet Friendship

Zuckersüsse Freundschaft This is my friend B. Das ist B., ein Freund von mir.       And this is stuff that was available at the Bake Sale we just had today. Und diese netten Naschereien standen uns heute beim Backwarenverkauf zur Verfügung.           Well, actually, they were all the things we weren’t able to buy any more because my friend B. had bought them for his own delight. I also got myself a couple of somethings, but with B. in front of me in the line, there wasn’t really that much left for anyone else coming after him. But I’m not complaining. It’s all for a good cause, as the money is going towards orphaned children. And maybe, my friend B. actually did me a favor by taking all the calories on his own plate so that there’s little danger of too much sweets on my side. Thanks, B. for being such a good friend! Naja, eigentlich sind das nur alles die Sachen, die wir nicht mehr kaufen konnten, da …

The Last of Such Delights

Der letzte solcher Genüsse   Today was a very sad day. Why, you ask? Because of the Giotto. If you are anywhere from central Europe you probably know exactly what I mean when I say Giotto. If not, let me quickly explain. Giotto are small snack balls of some kind of nut cream filling, a crunchy pastry layer and then covered by nut pieces on the outside. They’re pretty much “yum!” to anyone I know. And this summer I had been lucky enough that a couple of my friends went to Germany and brought me back a pack of Giotto. And what’s so sad about it is the fact that today I ate my last roll of Giotto. Alas! No more! And once more I had a revelation. Namely, that that’s always the problem with yummy things like this: They get eaten up and are no more. Yes, yes, too sad! (Though, of course, I shouldn’t forget to mention that eating the Giotto is a supreme delight!) Heute war ein sehr trauriger Tag. “Warum?” fragst …

Rain Rain, Don’t Go Away

Regen Regen, geh nicht fort!   Guess what! It’s been raining.Why that is news worthy? Well, because around here crops have been in serious trouble due to lack of rain and the drought that inevitably has followed. Now at least, the rain has finally come, but whether that actually is able to save the crops, I leave for the more experienced farmers to determine. I for my part, am just glad that we finally have something worth calling rain to report and for the farmers I’m simply relieved.   Ratet mal, was hier los ist! Es regnet! Warum das so eine aufregende Nachricht ist? Naja, weil hier bei uns die Ernte in Schwierigkeiten ist, da es zu wenig regnet und die Trockenheit ihren Tribut fordert. Jetzt aber ist der Regen endlich da, obwohl wir es wohl den erfahrenen Bauern überlassen müssen, darüber zu entscheiden, ob das die Ernte noch retten kann oder nicht. Ich jedenfalls freue mich, dass wir endlich etwas haben, das man Regen nennen kann, und für die Bauern bin ich auch erleichtert.

Of 15 Minutes and How They Can Mean the World

Von 15 Minuten, und dem Unterschied, den sie machen können   As you know, we’ve been out and about, actually mostly trying to avoid big adventures, but today, alas, on our last day, our journey back, we actually got to have all that excitement, all that adrenaline that we’d managed so well to avoid so far. And it all started with 15 minutes. 15 minutes, which I thought we’d still have to stop by for lunch on our way between the airport and the train station. 15 minutes which we spent at McDonald’s to quickly down a little food before moving on, but when we got to the subway station, I realized that those 15 minutes might have outdone us. Why? Because of the holiday. And because of the flocks of people streaming into the subway station from all sides trying to make the subway just as much as we wanted. And what with those endless lines to buy tickets and get through security – it didn’t take more than counting 2 + 2 together …

The Annual Wait

Das jährliche Warten   It’s that time of the year again – the time when we’re asked to stand in line for hours just to get a nice little sticker in our passports saying we’re allowed to stay here for a year once more. But, since this nice little sticker is essential for our stay here, we gladly engage in line-ups, armed with cell phone games, kindle books, and other gadgets to keep our mood in check, and maybe, if we’ve been good, we might even reward ourselves with little ice-cream in the end!   Es ist mal wieder die Zeit gekommen. Die Zeit, in der wir gebeten werden, uns in die stundenlange Warteschlange einzureihen, nur damit wir einen hübschen kleinen Aufkleber in unserem Pass erhalten, der uns erlauben wird, ein weiteres Jahr hier zu verbringen. Aber, da dieser hübsche kleine Aufkleber ungemein wichtig für unseren Verbleib hier ist, reihen wir uns gerne ein – bewaffnet mit Handy-Spielen, Kindle Büchern und anderem Spielkram um uns bei Laune zu halten. Und vielleicht, wenn wir auch schön …

Ice-Cream, Baby!

Eiscreme, Baby! Yiiihaaa! Summer’s here and for me that mean’s one pretty important thing! It’s time to start investigate the various ice-cream places around campus. After all, there’s simply no summer without the ice-cold pleasure!   Juchhuuu! Sommer ist hier und für mich ist da eines ganz ganz wichtig! Es wird Zeit, die verschiedenen “Eisdielen” auf dem Campus genauer in Augenschein zu nehmen. Immerhin, Sommer ist einfach nicht das Gleiche ohne dieses eiskalte Vergnügen!  

A Cloudy Day

Wolkentag   Who would’ve thought that I’d ever appreciate a cloudy day? Well, as you can see, it’s actually not a very cloudy day, it’s still considered a nice day. But I can see clouds! And that makes me happy, because around here, you usually don’t see any clouds. Not that they don’t exist. But what with pollution and such, the clouds just mingle with whatever other gray substance is out there so that in all reality you never really get to see any clouds at all. Wer hätte gedacht, dass ich jemals einen wolkigen Tag wertschätzen lernen würde. Nun, wie ihr sehen könnt, ist es eigentlich kein richtig wolkiger Tag, da der Himmel immer noch “blau” ist. Aber Mensch! Man kann Wolken sehen! Und das macht mich mal ein bisschen glücklich, weil man hier in der Gegend sonst eigentlich nie Wolken sieht. Nicht weil sie nicht existieren. Sondern, weil sich die Wolken bei der schlechten Luft mit was auch immer anderem Grauen das da in der Luft herumschwirrt vermischen und am Ende alles einfach …

Bake Sale Delights

Backwaren Verkauf und Dergleichen Genüsse Bake Sales are one of the highlights for us each semester. And this one was no exception. As all the money goes toward support orphans in our area, it’s the one time you can indulge yourself and even have a very good excuse for it, too. After all, the more you buy (and therefore eat) the more you help others, aren’t you? Backwaren Verkäufe sind einer der Höhepunkte unseres Semesters. Und dieser Verkauf war keine Ausnahme. Und da alles Geld in die Unterstützung von Waisenkindern in unserer Umgebung wandert, ist es die Gelegenheit, mal richtig zuzuschlagen. Immerhin gibt es auch eine richtig gute Entschuldigung dafür, mal über die Strenge zu schlagen. Schließlich bedeutet es ja: Je mehr du kaufst (und isst) desto mehr hilfst du anderen. (Habe ich recht?)

The Wedding Feast

Das Hochzeitsmahl Every year, there are a couple of weddings to which I’m invited. And while I’m usually happy to oblige (as generally, I get to see some friends getting wed), the wedding meal isn’t something that I particularly look forward to. Aside from the fact that food is brought on in such abundance that there’s no way to even get close to finish what’s being placed in front of you, the food isn’t usually the kind I favor. Generally, it’s meat in all kinds of fashion, with maybe a few other side dishes of breads and a few vegetables making a few exceptions. Being more on the veggie side of eating, me and wedding meals, therefore, don’t often make a good combination! Jedes Jahr werde ich zu ein paar Hochzeiten eingeladen. Und während ich gewöhnlicherweise gerne zusage (immerhin sind es in den meisten Fällen Freunde von mir, die den Bund des Lebens eingehen), auf das jeweilige Hochzeitsmahl legen ich normalerweise keinen besonders großen Wert. Einmal abgesehen von der Tatsache, dass das Essen in solchem …