When it comes to scrapping pages for photo albums and such, my preferred way of scrapping the memories is by using double page spreads. Of course, as with everything you do in scrapping, there are lots of choices as to how to go about your designs. When working with double page spreads, I’ve found there are four ways of how you can scrap them: One combined layout, using a composition that includes your entire spread. A two-page layout, using the same products. Using two pages with different products to scrap about the same topic. Two single page layouts with different products and different topics. Option 1 | A Combined Layout This option means you would create a two-page spread like a single unit. Personally, it is my preferred choice to scrap two page spreads for an album, because it makes the two pages look like one large layout. Option 2 | Two-page Layout with Same Product Another favorite option of mine is to create two separate layouts for a double page, but …