All posts tagged: children

Two Little Friends and a Lot of Fun

Zwei kleine Freunde und eine Menge Spaß   I had to babysit the other day, and let me tell you, we had fun – the kids and I. As some of you may know, I have this little app on my phone that turns photos into watercolor paintings. And the kids had a blast watching their photos turn into paintings. And so they kept asking for more, and I? I simply had a blast myself, watching them having such a great time! Die Tage wurde ich zum Babysitten beordert und lasst mich euch sagen: Wir hatten Spass, die Kids und ich. Wie einige von euch vielleicht schon wissen, habe ich diese kleine App auf meinem Handy, welche Fotos in Wasserfarbenbilder verwandeln kann. Und die Kids hatten einen Riesenspass dabei, zuzusehen, wie sich die Fotos auf meinem Handy in ein Gemälde verwandelten. Und so fragten sie nach immer neuen Bildern, und ich? Ich hatte meinen Spass dabei zuzusehen, wie sie Spass hatten!            

Kiddo Play Time

I went to play the other day. Not by myself. But with a bunch of kids we went to visit in one of the orphanages nearby. And we had a good time together, although it was a little too short. There’s so much joy in watching a child have fun and enjoying him or herself, even if it is just with a simple dance, or a game of basketball.

Autumn Play Time

I’ve been out and about again. This time we went to share a fun afternoon with kids, playing with them, and doing arts and crafts. They had so much fun drawing their hands and tracing leaves – something they had never done before – that it was a great pleasure to watch them and be with them.