All posts tagged: campus

The Lobby Christmas Tree

Remember the Christmas tree in the lobby, which I showed you a couple of weeks ago in this post? Well, someone made a sad discovery the other day, and pointed out to me that if you look closely enough you’ll find that the decoration at the bottom of the tree (within the range of what people can reach) has pretty much gone! Can you imagine that? We finally have the prettiest tree in the history of our lobby, and then people go and steal the ornaments off the tree! (Which is actually not like very expensive, or exclusive decoration. It’s just the kind of decoration you can get in any store around here!) Unfortunately, when I took my camera with me earlier today, for the sole purpose of providing you some proof of this outrageous crime, I had to realize that the tree was gone. No, no, not what you may think now. No one stole the whole tree. It being mid-January, it was – after all – about time to take it down again. …

Work is Work …

… and since that part of the world where I currently live doesn’t do Christmas, really, it means we do have to go to work between the holidays. Work … as in teaching. Or well, maybe not really teaching today, because there were more urgent matters at hand. But I’m quite convinced that my students were just as little excited about coming to class today, as I was – after all – it was exam day! Now, I have to get the grades ready for tomorrow, and that means off to some more work …

Oh Christmas Tree 2012

  If you’ve known my blog for a while, you may recall my comments on our foreign-faculty-housing-lobby Christmas tree in the last couple of years. Those Christmas trees could best be described as “ugly,” and that would be flattering still, really. This year, however, things have changed. Drastically. I knew as soon as I saw some of our colleagues put up the Christmas decoration in the lobby the other day. I guess, they must have thought that with our new lobby putting up a scare-crow Christmas tree like in the old days wouldn’t just work the magic anymore. And I agree. So, this year, for the first time, it actually feels like Christmas when you walk into the lobby of our foreign faculty building. So, merry Christmas season to you, too!

Windows And Other Luxuries

Having spent a good part of my youth in a room with windows that had a great panorama view of the surroundings and allowed the sunlight to stream in from sunrise to sunset, I always knew how important it was for me to have a home with a lot of windows. Something that most people in my home country (and certainly I in the past) take for granted – namely the luxury of having an apartment with windows – was something that I had to give up when moving recently, and it was one of the main reasons why I probably wouldn’t have moved had I had a choice in the matter. Now, I have to learn to not only live with a lot of noise and a bad smell, but also to live with a living room that has no access to daylight, which at the very thought of it seems depressing to me. I guess, this is another one of those life lessons for me (to which there never seems to be an …

Fighting the Screen

Guess what happened here the other day! Suddenly there were a bunch of workers busying around the old entrance (the one we used before the new lobby was ready), and before we knew it they’d set up a big fat screen right at the wall to our residence building. First, I didn’t think much of it, but on second thoughts something dawned on me: Wait! That screen sits right on the same wall which is also the wall of my living room. And sure enough, only hours later I knew exactly what that meant: A steady stream of noise began to invade even the quietest corner of my home. And that’s also when I realized that that was in fact a really bad thing. Who wants to have constant music and noise from clips you can’t even see, but which repeat every half hour or so to pervade their home and deprave them of any peace and quiet? Not only that, but the noise from that screen outside is so loud that I can’t even hear much …

It’s Finished!

You may remember some of my earlier posts about the new lobby that was coming, and the excitement we all share in having a nice entrance to our faculty accommodations. Well … it’s done. The lobby’s finally finished, and we enjoy short ways to the cafeteria, and a nice nice lounging area where we can sit and talk and relax and sip our coffees (or teas) and eat delicious cakes or sandwiches, and … You get the point! We’re really happy with our new lobby!

It's Finished!

You may remember some of my earlier posts about the new lobby that was coming, and the excitement we all share in having a nice entrance to our faculty accommodations. Well … it’s done. The lobby’s finally finished, and we enjoy short ways to the cafeteria, and a nice nice lounging area where we can sit and talk and relax and sip our coffees (or teas) and eat delicious cakes or sandwiches, and … You get the point! We’re really happy with our new lobby!

Rare Autumn Moments

They’re rare, and they’re special to anyone who, like me, particularly enjoys this season of the year: autumn moments. I had one the other day after the storm. For once the leaf-cleaners/tree shakers/gardeners of our campus had not gotten to the leaves yet, and so I went out to enjoy the crisp air and the fresh breeze that had done a good job of scattering some of the leaves across the lawns. Of course, some trees haven’t even started to color their leaves (for that I’ll have to wait another week or two), but I’m patient. I’ll wait, and I’ll be prepared for more of those rare autumn moments – once they come …

Culture Week 2012: International DayCulture Week 2012: International Day

Culture week concluded today, and like every year, it happened with a grand finale. The best performances throughout the week get to participate in the show, and it’s a rainbow of different dances, songs, acts, and performances. It’s definitely a highlight each year, and probably one of the shows around here you don’t want to miss, if you can help it. I did help myself to an entertaining morning, and lots of internationality. And that’s the end of it!