All posts tagged: autumn

Golden October

It’s October alright. Where I come from, October means golden days – bright yellow and red leaves against deep blue skies; we call it the Golden October. Here, however, it’s more October than it’s golden. And usually, before you know it, the leaves have turned brown and dead, and then everything is gone! Well, but I have hopes for this year. The weather has turned quite chilly these last couple of days, and so far, this has been the chilliest autumn we’ve had (as far as I remember) since coming to China. So, my hope is that maybe the chill will do a thing or two to help those leaves find their colors. Oh, and guess what? I was just out with my camera today, trying to catch that golden fall (after all, we don’t get sunny days and blue skies very often), when a patch of yellow flowers caught my eye. I thought, those flowers would make a good shoot for my upcoming Friday challenge, when I discovered something even more exciting. Did I …

Time for Socks

The weather has been quite glorious recently, so the other day I decided to take a walk and enjoy some sunshine on my nose. And it was only then – when I was feeling a little chill come through the holes of my crocs – that it dawned on me that maybe it’s time to start wearing socks again. After all, it’s full blown autumn here (though most trees, I’d say, are in need of some good counseling because they definitely live in denial of that fact), so starting to wear socks again would do no harm, indeed! Time to say the summer good-bye! And since we’ve been talking about my crocs already, here’s the latest photo for the photo challenge: Photo Challenge Day 18: Your Shoes

Oh, those colors …

It always takes a while for autumn to settle in around here. And over all, it seems that as soon as the leaves start to change their color, they fall off. So, instead of being able to enjoy an Indian Summer here with the full palette of fall colors, the only variety we get is green leaves, brown leaves, and no leaves. Occasionally, there are those beautiful shades of red and yellow, but you have to look for them. Last Sunday I did just that: I went in search for autumn. And look what I found … Check out the photo gallery for more of my finds …

One Year Ago

Today, exactly one year ago, I woke up to this! It had started to snow the day before, and in hopes of getting some pictures of the snow before all the students would play with it and mess up the peaceful scenery, I got up extra early to go for a walk on campus. Hardly ever do we get snow like this, and just as I had expected: only hours later the beauty of an untouched winter wonderland had faded, as thousands of students enjoyed some extra fun in the snow. One interesting observation I could make on that snowy day, last year: though all the students live within walking distance of their classrooms, still, no one thought of leaving their dorms earlier to make sure they’d be on time for class. After all, walking on slippery snow and ice takes longer than usual. But nobody seemed to bother that everyone was late, even though – with just a little bit of careful planning – everybody could have made it on time! Waking up this …