All posts tagged: autumn

November Afternoon

Novembertag November is in full swing, and that’s when you actually get to see that autumn is at hand. On my way to class this mornings, I not only realized that the trees had beautiful shades of yellow leaves, but I noticed, too, that the sun was out. Naturally, I couldn’t resist taking a little walk with a dear friend after lunch. November ist im vollen Schwung, and das heisst, man merkt auch mal, dass Herbst ist. Auf dem Weg in den Unterricht heute morgen, fiel mir nicht nur auf, dass die Bäume ein herrlich gelbes Kleid angelegt haben, sondern auch, dass die Sonne munter zu strahlen versuchte. Natürlich konnte ich da nicht widerstehen, einen kleinen Spaziergang mit einer lieben Freundin nach dem Mittagessen zu unternehmen.

Finding Fall

Den Herbst finden There, I found them … some traces of autumn. If you only look close enough, you might see quite a few signs that it’s autumn. And when you look even closer, you may find a place or two where the leaves, indeed, are yellow, and pretty, and all they should be in the fall. Da, ich hab sie gefunden … ein paar Spuren des Herbstes. Wenn du nur genau genug hinguckst, dann kannst ein paar Hinweise entdecken, dass es Herbst ist. Und wenn du noch ein bisschen genauer hinschaust, dann kannst du vielleicht auch ein zwei Plätzchen finden, wo die Blätter tatsächlich gelb sind und hübsch anzusehen sind, und alles sonst haben, was sich im Herbst so gehört!

Freebie Friday: Autumn Word Art – Silhouette Project

Die-cutters, take heed! It’s Friday, and I have a something little special to share with you today. If you’re a proud owner of a Silhouette machine, this one’s for you! It’s a little piece of word art that would make a nice decoration for your home … What you’ll get in this freebie is a Silhouette Studio file. The words will be a little larger than you see in the Silhouette Studio preview, to fit my large frame, but you can easily resize it to meet your needs. I just used colored card stock to cut out the individual words, but you could also just print and cut. (If you print and cut, my recommendation is to offset each letter (spread the letters and words out a little more, creating more than one page) and fill that extra little bleeding space with the same color as the word. It’ll prevent to have white edges where the machine may not cut exactly at the edge of the printed character. After cutting, I adhered everything on an …

Freebie Friday: Harvest of Happiness – Part 5

Here comes the last part of this freebie kit “Harvest of Happiness,” so now you actually get to play with it, and I’d love to see what you do with this kit.   Now, please consider that my Terms of Use only permit to use any contents of this kit for your personal scrapping needs (Personal Use), which means that if you’d like to share this with others, you may only do so by sending them to this website (no direct linking, or sharing of any parts). And now it’s time to announce that I have a little surprise coming for those (silhouette) crafters among you next week. (Have had this freebie ready for you for a month now, and it’s been patiently awaiting its time to get shared!) I’ll not say any more, but don’t miss out on that freebie. And I’m planning on working on a Christmas kit this weekend, which I’ll probably start sharing with you here two weeks from now, so stay tuned and don’t forget to come back for more …

Journaling Café: Autumn

Autumn is in full swing, at least where I am, and also where I come from. And since my last autumn journaling prompt has been a while back (I looked it up to make sure, lol), I thought, why not giving you more to think and write about this very special season!     And since autumn always makes me happy, I promptly scrapped yet another autumn page to go with one of the prompts:     Font used in journal prompts above is DJB Squirrels in My Pants by Darcy Baldwin, available at