All posts tagged: 30 days thanks

Autumn’s Fashion

Autumn is the weirdest thing around here. While some trees still are in full and green summer splendor, others have lost all their leaves already. And interspersed between these two – if you look hard enough – you can actually find them – those beautiful autumn colors that I love about this season! So, whenever fall puts on its most colorful dress, I can’t resist! I just have to pack my camera, and get out there to capture some of the season’s latest fashion. In that spirit I went out for a little walk the other day, and look what I found … And then I went out again yesterday, for the sole purpose of taking pictures with my friends, because it’s fall, and because it was a pretty day. And guess what awful thing happened? The battery died! Yes! It died. Just when we wanted to start the photo session. That is, I knew it was almost dead when I left home. But that’s what you got your spare battery for, right? Duhhh! The …

30 Days of Thanks (9)

Today, I’m thankful for the sunshine, and having a fun time with my friends at lunch. I’m also thankful for being able to get together with a friend this afternoon to play with our cameras, and for the season of fall. PS. And I’m thankful that it’s only 5 more days until the heat will be turned on.

Survival with the Bike Bell

It used to be a lot better looking. And it even used to have a compass on top – before the compass decided to have a divorce (and it never even asked for my permission – ungrateful thing!). Now it’s just a simple, compassless bike bell. But it’s a good one. And I need it. Almost as desperately as I need the breaks on my bike. Because without my bike bell, trying to get to class with my bike would be an almost hopeless case. There are just too many students on the road when I’m on my way to class. And even with the bell it’s quite the challenge to weave through the crowds of students. So, my bike bell turns out to be a life-saver, both for myself, and for any student that would inadvertently run into my bike if it wasn’t for the bell. What a lucky thing to have that bell. Even if it’s a divorced, compassless bell! Saying Thanks … And, since we’re talking about bikes and bells already today, …

Why Showering Takes Twice As Long These Days

Culture week is over, and I’m sure most of us are very relieved – despite of all the fun it brings. Now, we can focus back on the simple things of life. Like taking a shower. If you remember, just a couple of weeks ago, I posted about my hot water heater, and how it makes me really happy. And that’s exactly the reason why showering takes me twice as long these days. Well, or at least it’s half the reason. Next to making me really happy, my hot water heater also has another big bonus: It makes me feel warm and cozy each time I shower. After all, our heat hasn’t been turned on yet, and my little Mr. Electric Heater – with all his hard work – just can’t keep up fighting the cold that’s been creeping in from all around. So, I am cold; my apartment is cold; outside it’s cold – only my water heater is really, really hot! And that’s why I love spending all that time with my shower …

International Culture Week 2011 – Grand Finale

We’ve done it! Finished another culture week. And today was the grand finale, celebrating songs and dances from various cultural backgrounds. Being me, of course, I’m gonna allow you a peek of some of the eye candy we got to have. Here are some pics … And here’s a short clip to give you an even better idea of some of the performances …   Saying Thanks … Lastly, I want to say thanks for living in such a culturally diverse environment, which really helps me to look at life from a different perspective.

Fest of Cultures – Day 4: Europe

Finally, Europe Day has arrived! This means playing on home turf for me. Except that it’s basically looking at Europe from an American perspective since as the only European around, I’m just a tiny minority! So, I’m never really sure whether I should be amused or annoyed at all the medieval artifacts my American colleagues dig up to represent Europe. It’s not quite what Europe is like, and it’s certainly not the way the Chinese perceive Europe, in whose eyes the European continent is highly developed, modern and sophisticated. But I’ve given up hope trying to convince my American colleagues to point out some of Europe’s modern accomplishments (such as soccer, European cars, developments in renewable energies/environmental protection, tourism, etc. to mention just a few). And so I’m puttering around between medieval castles, Viking ships, and the guillotine, thinking to myself: “I’m sure I’ve ran into one of those Vikings in Europe before … just can’t quite remember where exactly … but certainly, they must be out there somewhere …!” Anyways, I still had fun …

Happy Birthday Misty Hilltops!!!

I can’t believe that it’s been so long, but exactly one year ago I launched my blog for the first time. Happy Birthday to! Didn’t really have a clue what I’d let myself in on when I started, but it’s been quite the journey and a lot of fun. When I first started blogging, I was afraid that I’d be either running out of things to say within a week (I’m glad that didn’t happen), or that whatever I’d have to say would really bore the world (you’d have to decide on that one!). But 365 days later, I’ve come to realize that my blogging-worries were in vain: NUMBER 1 I’ve got topics I want to talk about lined up all the way through the middle of December already, and new ideas are coming every day! So stay put to see what’s coming! NUMBER 2 I have anywhere between 50 and 100-something visitors a day, and that number’s growing. And while I know that compared to the most popular blogs in the world this …

30 Days of Thanks (1)

Last month, I participated in a photo challenge, taking pictures (almost every day), and posting (most of) them here. November has just begun, and it’s time to start another project. This month is Thanksgiving – of course most of you know that – and so some people around the world are getting involved in a project called 30 Days of Thanks. Every day, you stop for a moment to think about something you are thankful for, and I think that’s a beautiful thing to do. So, I’m going to start off my 30 days of thanks by saying that … … learning that my  dad (who is thousands of miles away in far away Europe) was submitted to the hospital on Sunday, I realized once more how thankful I am for having parents who are loving and so very supportive of what I’m doing. Thanks, mom and dad, for helping me become who I am today!