Freebie Freitag: Autumn Song – Teil 6
Ladies, I’m so sorry I totally forgot to post part 6. Now, it’s pretty much a year later, when you finally get it. First off: I year ago, I actually lost, not one, but two hard drives. Both of them together pretty much contained my whole life. Fortunately enough, I had a lot of stuff backed up, so over time I was able to retrieve some of it. But I lost a good portion of my “designing toolbox.” Needless to say: it was so frustrating that I haven’t been motivated to do much in my Digiscrap Corner. Adding to that the fact that this last year life has been crazy busy for me, there simply wasn’t time to work on any new freebies to share here. But at least I should share with you the last part of this collection. And I do apologize for neglecting you all for so long. The good news: I have a couple of things that I had finished already before the crash that I can still share with you. And I’ve worked on a couple more alphas that might be fun to share with you at some point.
Ladies – es tut mir so leid, dass ich vergessen habe Teil 6 einzustellen. Jetzt ist quasi ein Jahr vergangen und endlich habe ich wieder die Motivation gefunden, mal nach meinem Blog zu schauen. Erstmal allerdings die schlechte Nachricht: Ich habe letztes Jahr nicht nur eine, sondern gleich zwei Festplatten auf einmal verloren. Quasi mein ganzes Leben war da drauf. Zum Glück hatte ich von vielem ein Backup gemacht. Nur ein guter Teil meiner Designing Werkzeuge habe ich verloren. Muss euch also nicht sagen, dass das für mich so frustrierend war, dass ich mich nicht dazu aufraffen konnte, mich meiner Digiscrap Ecke zu widmen. Hinzu kam, dass ich in diesem Jahr extrem viel los hatte, sodass ich auch einfach keine Zeit fürs Bloggen, geschweige den Designen hatte. Aber ich hätte euch doch wenigstens mit dem letzten Teil verlinken können, und es tut mir sehr leid, dass ich euch so lange vernachlässigt habe. Die gute Nachricht: ich habe ein paar Sachen fertiggestellt, bevor mir alles um die Ohren gekracht ist, und die hoffe ich, demnächst mit euch zu teilen. Ausserdem habe ich an ein paar Alphas gearbeitet, die ich auch noch an den Mann, oder besser die Frau bringen muss.
This is really a precious kit… thanks for sharing your labor of love. It’s appreciated
Many thanks for this !
Here is a page I did using it
And another one
Wow, wow, wow! I love your pages. They turned out so perfect. Thanks so much for sharing them here! That made my day! I feel blessed seeing something so beautiful done with this kit!
Thank you for sharing your kits! Love them!
Hi Sula – I had wondered what happened to you! Sorry you lost all those supplies, and I totally understand your long break, but am so glad to see you’re back & dipping into design again. I’ve always liked your work… =)
Hi, I am new here and have downloaded and extracted the file but i can not get the items individually. Anyone have any tips for me?
That’s strange. It might be something on your end, because others are using the files just fine. I’ve even seen layouts done with them. Hope you can fix the problem so you can use this.
Ah…Sula, you are back at last. I have returned several times over the past year not only to finish up this beautiful kit but also because I was concerned. I’m sorry you lost so many of your beautiful supplies, but I’m very happy the reason you were gone was because of digital problems and not your health. Now that I know you are well I look forward to seeing your beautiful photos and scrap items again and reading your interesting blog. Happy New year to you and thank you for your generous gifts over the years.
thank u
merci beaucoup magnifique kit