DigiScrap Talk
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Treasure Sunday: January 22nd

I’ve been roaming the galleries again. The internet is painstakingly slow these days, so I’m going to keep things short today, but look what I found:

Winter Solstice by Svetlanka
Love those photos!


Paintmylove77 by dida1357
Great depth, and the photo is beautiful!


Me & My Boy by Caits
Fun composition and great clustering!


I am blessed by Therese
Great use of white space, and fun pops of color!


Winter Melody by tipou2067
Beautiful clustering with such an adorable photo!


Delicious Life by zwyck
Amazing composition with all the white space, the blended photo and the word art.


Txt U L8R by Angie4b1g
Fun page, fun photo, fun clusters! Love that banner peaking out, too!


See? I can be really short, if I want to. Anyways, I had fun finding these gems and I’m glad to be able to share them with you!


  1. Wow!!Thank you ver much!!!
    I am really appreciate!!
    Have a perfect day!!!

    Big kisses

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