All posts filed under: Blog

Let’s Make Cupcakes | Wir backen Muffins

EnglishOnce again I’m getting busy with my friends. And we’re making cupcakes. My friends have very little experience baking – it’s not really a part of the culture here. So, I wanted them to do it by themselves. Just so they’d have fun. And you can see the results. These cupcakes may not look the best. But they certainly taste delicious! DeutschWieder einmal bin ich mit meinen Freunden beschäftigt. Und diesmal werden Muffins gebacken. Meine Freunde haben nur wenig Erfahrung beim Backen. Es ist nicht wirklich Teil ihrer Kultur. Daher wollte ich, dass sie das Backen übernehmen. Damit sie ein bisschen Spass haben können. Und ihr seht das Resultat. Vielleicht sehen die Muffins nicht so toll aus. Aber sie haben definitiv gut geschmeckt!

Strawberry Season | Erdbeerzeit

EnglishIt’s strawberry season, so these days, there’s a lot of strawberries to be had. I have them in my yogurt, plain, or with the help of one of my friends, we made a cake. DeutschEs ist Erdebeerzeit. Darum gibt es dieser Tage Erdbeeren. In meinem Joghurt, einfach so, oder sie werden mit der Hilfe einer meiner Freunde in einen Kuchen verarbeitet.

A Little Feast | Ein Kleines Fest

EnglishOf course, my return made a lot of my friends here very happy. And so we celebrated by getting together and having a big meal together – cooked and put together by my friends. DeutschNatürlich hat meine Rückkehr hier bei meinen Freunden für Freude gesorgt. Und das muss natürlich mit einem schönen Essen gefeiert werden – eigens von meinen jungen Freunden gekocht!

Reviving Things | Wiederbelebung

EnglishI was gone from home for nearly a year – almost exactly to the day, actually. Needless to say that things at home have turned a bit messy. Esp. since there was a water issue with one of my A/Cs while I was gone. So, coming home meant coming home to a completely messed up place as friends had taken care of the flooding issue, but left everything in boxes and lying around somewhere. But I’m not complaining. I’m thankful for their help. Besides, the flood issues in my apartment were rather small, compared to what some of our colleagues have experienced over the years with burst pipes etc. But still, coming home meant a lot of work cleaning up. And throwing out plants that have died along the way, etc. So, I’m thankful for every sign of life I can find, even if it’s one of the little succulents. DeutschIch war weg von zu Hause, fast auf den Tag genau ein Jahr. Da ist es kein Wunder, dass bei mir zuhause ein kleines Chaos …

Free at Last! | Endlich frei!

EnglishI’ve done it! I finally made it through three weeks of quarantine, and all in all things went fairly smooth. If we ignore the internet the last week. The hotel on campus didn’t offer any internet that worked, and for the last few days, even my phone stopped working, leaving me with no way to be in touch with the outside world. Needless to say, the first thing I did after getting out of “prison” was: get a hair cut, and get my phone sorted out. The bad news is: If I want to keep my old number, I’ll be without a working phone number (and without internet data) for the next three weeks. A challenge, when you use your phone for everything here, even paying at the supermarket. DeutschIch hab’s geschafft! Endlich habe ich die drei Wochen Quarantäne hinter mir. Und generell ist die Zeit erstaunlich glatt verlaufen. Wenn wir mal das Internetproblem beim letzten Hotel auf dem Campus ignorieren. Das Hotel bot kein unabhängiges Internet an, und die letzten Tage funktionierte dann auch …

Counting the Days | Die Tage zählen

EnglishI can’t wait for quarantine to be over. While the food has been better here at the campus hotel (though only 2 meals a day), the internet is basically non-existent. I have to depend on my phone data, which limits my internet access, and that was the way the weeks of quarantine have been manageable. I’m not the only colleague arriving back on campus these days. And together we’re counting the days until we can get back to freedom. Strangely, this hotel room feels very familiar. Years ago, I lived in this very building for five years. Just one apartment further down the hall. So the views out of the window are extremely familiar. Like: coming home at last? DeutschIch kann’s kaum erwarten bis die Quarantäne vorbei ist. Während das Essen hier auf dem Campus besser war (wenngleich nur zwei Mahlzeiten am Tag serviert werden), ist das Internet quasi nicht existent. Ich muss mich auf meine Handy Daten verlassen, und damit ist mein Internetzugang sehr eingeschränkt. Und es war das Internet, das mir sehr geholfen …

My Daily Bread | Mein tägliches Brot …

EnglishI’ve made the big switch. After two weeks of quarantine in my port of entry, and a very VIP experience on my domestic flight, I’m finally back on campus, though not yet free to go. Now I’m stuck in the hotel on campus. And that for another full week. And I can’t say whether I like the food deal here more or back in the other hotel. In the other hotel, it was three meals a day, and mostly meats. Now, we only have two meals a day (it’s the winter break on campus, and that’s what they do here for the foreign faculty in the winter), though the meals are definitely more to my taste. At least, I was able to have some of my colleagues drop off some food that I can have in between the meals. So, I’m mostly set there. DeutschIch habe den großen Umzug hinter mir. Nach zwei Wochen Quarantäne am Ankunftsort, und einer angenehmen zweiten Reise mit voller VIP Behandlung, bin ich auf dem Campus zurück. Aber immer noch …

Quarantine! | Quarantäne!

EnglishI’ve arrived! I made the big jump across the continents and traveling in covid times is quite the experience. Now I’ve already finished most of my first week in quarantine and it’s going better than I thought. Stuck in a hotel room that I’m not allowed to leave, I keep myself busy watching Youtube, and maintaining some kind of a routine. Though with the lack of structure I find it really hard to get over the jet lag these days. Still, finding a routine is obviously made easier by the fact that several times a day someone stops by to check our temperature, or do tests, and then of course, I’m always happy when the knock on the door announces meal times. Meals have been a bit of a challenge, though. I’m not a big meat eater, yet half of the food consists of different kinds of meat dishes. And I’m a salad and veggies kind of girl. So, I do the best I can with what I’m given, and I’m glad that I had …

Winter Days | Winter Tage

EnglishI’ve been given the green light for my return into expat territory and these days I’m really kind of busy. Trips to the consulate in Hamburg, the tropical medical institute in Düsseldorf, and in between there are lots of visits. With all the covid restrictions applying I’m really kind of nervous about my trip back. The most nervous I am about getting back a positive test result right when I’m ready to hop on a plane. It’s a nice thing, then, that in between all the trips I have to make, I still get a little time to enjoy the remaining days with the family. And winter has finally also arrived in our hometown. DeutschMir ist grünes Licht gegeben worden für meine Rückkehr ins Expatleben. Und damit habe ich in den letzten Wochen so ziemlich viel zu tun. Reisen zum Konsulat nach Hamburg, ins Tropeninstitut nach Düsseldorf, und zwischendrin noch ein paar andere Besuche. Bei all den Covidrestriktionen bin ich ganz schön nervös über meine Rückreise. Am meisten darüber, dass kurz vor Abflug ein positiver …

It’s a Winter Wonderland | Es ist ein Winter Wunderland

EnglishWith the holidays still in full swing, the family decided to get out there where there is a winter wonderland. We met up with more of our family members, enjoyed hot drinks and desserts, and went sledding, and walked through the most gorgeous winter scenery. DeutschUm die Feiertage voll auszukosten, hat die Familie sich entschieden, in den Schnee zu fahren. Wir trafen weitere Familienmitglieder, und haben heiße Getränke und Kuchen schnabuliert. Und dann ging’s zum Schlittenfahren, und auf einen winterlichen Spaziergang.