It used to be a lot better looking. And it even used to have a compass on top – before the compass decided to have a divorce (and it never even asked for my permission – ungrateful thing!). Now it’s just a simple, compassless bike bell. But it’s a good one. And I need it. Almost as desperately as I need the breaks on my bike. Because without my bike bell, trying to get to class with my bike would be an almost hopeless case. There are just too many students on the road when I’m on my way to class. And even with the bell it’s quite the challenge to weave through the crowds of students. So, my bike bell turns out to be a life-saver, both for myself, and for any student that would inadvertently run into my bike if it wasn’t for the bell. What a lucky thing to have that bell. Even if it’s a divorced, compassless bell!
Saying Thanks …
And, since we’re talking about bikes and bells already today, I’m really thankful for my bike, and that it helps me get to class a little faster. And for the bell, of course, that helps me survive riding my bike.
I’m also thankful today for passing the little campus garden that just looks wonderfully like autumn these days. Need a proof? Here you go …
PS. And I’m thankful that it’s only six more days until the heat will be turned on!