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Saturday Feature: Blue Blanket

Some of you might remember when – a couple of months ago – I told you about the heating system here in China and how it works. Well, I mentioned that there is no individual heating and that the radiators generally are turned on by around Nov. 15 – no matter how warm or cold it is at the time. What I didn’t say back then is that we have no influence in determining how warm or cool the radiators run, which many times causes quite a dilemma: when it’s too warm, a lot of my colleagues turn on their air conditioners to cool down the room (opening the windows unfortunately would result in a dust invasion!). So then they have heaters and the A/C running at the same time, which honestly I find quite wasteful. The other problem (the one I’ve had to face all winter so far) is that when it’s really cold outside, the warmth of the radiators might not be warm enough to keep you comfortable. So, in recent weeks I’ve made my blue blanket a quite appreciated companion. Only when I’m snuggled up in my blanket, will I have a chance of my feet getting warm.

But who am I to complain? All around me, the Chinese live in their down coats for about three months, never taking them off, unless they go to bed or have a bath.

I hope, y’all are staying nice and warm!

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