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La Parisienne – Adventures in Paris

Have you ever been to Paris? If not, you should definitely put it on your must-go list, because it might just be worth that little trip. For us, my colleagues/ friends/ classmates/ car-mates/ travel buddies and me, Paris was pretty much at the top of our must-go list while in Europe. After all, you can’t just live right next to the French border for a couple of weeks and not go there. So, we packed our car, and after class, we went on a long road trip, halfway across France to pay Paris a visit. A short one, for sure. But definitely one that will be unforgettable.

Of course, I won’t forget the masses of people that crowd all places of significance in Paris. If you’re trying to have a nice little quiet peaceful secluded get-away weekend, forget Paris. But if you’re up to facing the masses, there’s nothing that can dampen your spirits, or at least our spirits, really. Because we had a lot of fun …

… riding the boat along the Seine,
… seeing the Eiffel Tower,
… exploring Notre Dame,
… admiring the Louvre,
… and, of course, getting our appetites whetted with some real French cuisine.

Now, if you’re not convinced that touring through Paris is a lot of fun, then I can’t help you!



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