Yes, that’s right: not only the cultural relics need protection, but the railings protecting the relics need protection, too! In fact, they need it even more!
I must admit, I’m quite fond of Chinglish. Although it does make me smile, it also shows that someone’s trying. And that’s more than I could claim, I’m too scared of making mistakes.
Besides, I’m guessing that translating Chinese into any other language is no simple matter. We deal with a lot of Chinese documentation at work and we always have to bring in a professional translation agency. I wouldn’t know where to start.
But one example of Chinglish I saw was absolutely lovely, it was something along these lines:
“Young, tender grass. How hard hearted to trample it.”
“Keep off the grass”, I suppose. And personally, I’d pay more attention to the Chinglish version.
I must admit, I’m quite fond of Chinglish. Although it does make me smile, it also shows that someone’s trying. And that’s more than I could claim, I’m too scared of making mistakes.
Besides, I’m guessing that translating Chinese into any other language is no simple matter. We deal with a lot of Chinese documentation at work and we always have to bring in a professional translation agency. I wouldn’t know where to start.
But one example of Chinglish I saw was absolutely lovely, it was something along these lines:
“Young, tender grass. How hard hearted to trample it.”
“Keep off the grass”, I suppose. And personally, I’d pay more attention to the Chinglish version.