Still dealing with the cockroach situation here, but I have to say, I heart Hong Kong! More than once have I observed that the Hong Kong people are really nice and helpful to visitors. So, here we are, the other day, looking for the supermarket to get us some food and what not. The problem was that the supermarket had moved, and we couldn’t find it right away. Either we were looking really lost, or they must have heard how we were trying to find the store, because out of the blue someone just came up to us and told us how to get to the supermarket. Then, we are getting closer to where the store was, but still not sure, and yet again, it’s us discussing where exactly we could find the entrance, and another person directs us right to where we need to go. I remember the same thing happened last time I came to Hong Kong, and I must say, the Hong Kong people make me really like this place!
Published on June 21, 2011
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