December 1. has come and the countdown has started! Can you tell Christmas is my favorite season of the year? I just love sharing the joy of this season with my students and friends. And it’s the only season I actually put up decoration for. So, the last couple of days I busied myself with giving my home a nice comfy Christmas look, and I even made an advent calendar, to help me count the days until Christmas! Today I get to have my first treat – a piece of chocolate and some candy from Germany (thanks to some of my friends in Germany for that). Well then, a merry Christmas season to all friends near and far!
Photos of my advent calendar:
For a tutorial on how to make this advent calendar, click HERE.
Wow, der Adventskalender ist so schön!
Haste das schon so gekauft oder selber die Tüten geschnitten. Würd auch zu gern sowas basteln, aber grad in der Weihnachtszeit ist immer am wenigsten Zeit.