I was in for a surprise today. No, no! Not what you think: of course we knew about the foreign faculty photo appointment a couple of days ago. The surprise, however, was how quickly everything was over again.
You see, trying to get a 100+ people to one place at one time, and even on the same picture can be a daunting task sometimes. It may take up to 20 minutes of arranging, re-arranging, and then re-arranging the re-arrangement in order to ensure that a decent picture will turn out. And on top of that, we’re dealing with photographers who usually don’t speak English at all – so there’s usually a lot of motioning and hand clapping (though I haven’t been able to figure out what that means, yet).
Today, however, was rather different. Within fifteen minutes of leaving my house, I was back in the comfort and warmth of a cozy home, and glad that both, photographers and all the many models, had managed to get it over with in record time.
Great job, dear colleagues!