They’re back. The students that is. How I can tell? Because of the internet.
You see, we’ve just had a good long winter holiday. And during this good long winter holiday, all the students are gone. Gone home. Gone to visit family and friends. Gone traveling. Etc. Just gone.
A whole lot of “gones” in fact. The kind of “gones” I like, because for the few of us staying behind on campus that finally means, we get to do the fun stuff online. We get to open a webpage, and it will actually open. Or we get to watch a video clip, and we can actually see the picture moving. Or, like me, you sit down to blog, and you can actually access your blog – how fun is that?!
Now, however, things have suddenly changed again, and we’re back to the same old struggle. It makes me kind of wish for student-less campuses. But then, of course, what with our jobs and all, right? So, I’ll have to get my muscles back in shape and stay put, fighting the good old internet.